When you’ve been in a road traffic accident, the shock of the event can hinder your ability to think. A traumatic experience for everyone, road traffic accidents vary in severity but all are likely to destabilise your life and impact you on a personal level. Submitting a personal injury claim might be the last thing on your mind, but gaining financial compensation can help alleviate the pain and misfortune of being the victim of a road traffic collision.

However, the steps you need to take may not be clear. Here’s everything you should do from the moment of the accident.

Immediately following a collision

Whenever you’re in an accident as a driver and any of the following happens:

  • A person other than yourself is injured
  • Damage is caused to another vehicle or someone else’s property
  • An animal has been killed or injured, except in your own vehicle or trailer

You must stop and remain at the scene for a reasonable amount of time. Then, you must exchange details with the other party, including name, registration and address. If you cause an injury, you must also produce a certificate of insurance if anyone at the scene has grounds to see it. You can also report the accident to a police station within 24 hours.

As a victim, this essentially means the other party must do the above. If they do not, ring the police and report it. If they do, you should now have their details. If there are any witnesses happy to volunteer their information, make a note of their details – this can be vital to a successful claim.

Top tip: While not always required, it is a good idea to take photographs of as much as you can, from the road where the accident occurred to the vehicle damage. If you own a dashcam, ensure you save the footage.

Submitting a road traffic claim

To start a road traffic accident claim, you will need to provide details of the accident to Beecham Peacock. We can then contact the other party and see if they admit liability. If they deny responsibility, you may need to support your claim with evidence. This could include any of the following:

  • Photographs of injuries sustained
  • Photographs of the accident location
  • Any witness details
  • A sketch plan of the accident

Once your road traffic claim is underway

After you’ve started your claim, there will be back and forth communication which it is important to keep a log of. Use a notebook or online document to track conversations you’ve had, documents you’ve received, the circumstances of your road traffic accident and also any inconveniences you have incurred as a result. This can range from hospital trips, assistance from family and friends, physiotherapy sessions, medication etc. Keep receipts, payslips and invoices to provide to the other party insurance company.

With all of these factors in mind, it can be intimidating to submit a road traffic claim. However, with Beecham Peacock, you won’t need to worry. Our expert Personal Injury team are here to help you get the compensation you are rightfully entitled to, and we will help you every step of the way. Call 01912323048 or email on enquire@beechampeacock.co.uk to see how we can help you.

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