Occupational Dermatitis
The Health and Safety Executive have reported that occupational dermatitis is one of the most widespread causes of ill health and affects workers in many industry sectors. Nationally, across all industries, an estimated 84,000 people have dermatitis caused or made worse by their work.
At Beecham Peacock, we have been helping victims of occupational dermatitis for many years and have the experience and expertise to help you and your family.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with occupational dermatitis, contact our Newcastle office today on 0191 232 3048 to start your claim today.
What is Occupational Dermatitis?
Dermatitis is a skin condition caused by contact with something that irritates the skin or causes an allergic reaction. It usually occurs where the irritant touches the skin, but not always.
What are the symptoms of Occupational Dermatitis?
The sufferer may have some or all of the following:
- Itching
- Pain
- Blistering
- Weeping
- Redness
- Swelling
- Cracking
- Scaling/flaking
The symptoms of dermatitis can be so bad that in serious case the sufferer has to change jobs or give up work altogether.
How is Occupational Dermatitis caused?
Irritant Contact Dermatitis – can appear quickly after contact with a strong irritant, or over a longer period from repeated contact with weaker irritants. Irritants can be chemical, biological, mechanical or physical. Repeated and prolonged contact with water can also cause irritant dermatitis.</br></br>Allergic contact dermatitis – This can occur when the sufferer develops an allergy to a substance. Once someone is ‘sensitised’, it is likely to be permanent and any skin contact with that substance will cause allergic contact dermatitis. Often skin sensitisers are also irritants.
Some of the more common causes of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis:
Irritant contact dermatitis:
- Wet Work
- Soaps, Shampoos and Detergents
- Solvents
- Certain Foodstuffs
- Oils and Greases
- Dusts
- Acids and Alkalis
- Wet Cement
Allergic contact dermatitis
- Some Hair Dyes
- UV Cured Printing Inks
- Adhesives
- Nickel
- Some Plants (eg chrysanthemums)
- Colophony
- Certain Wood Dusts
How can Occupational Dermatitis be treated?
The best form of treatment for dermatitis is protection. If you work in an environment that involves exposure to irritants, it is the responsibility of your employer to ensure that your skin is adequately protected when you are required to use harmful substances.
How can Beecham Peacock help?
If you have been diagnosed with occupational dermatitis, Beecham Peacock has the expertise to help you make a claim for financial compensation. Employers are legally required to make sure that workers are not at risk of dermatitis and that adequate protection is provided when employers are required to use irritants and harmful substances. If your employer fails to ensure that protection is made available to you, Beecham Peacock can help you to make a claim for compensation.
Why choose Beecham Peacock?
At Beecham Peacock, we have helped victims of occupational dermatitis for many years and have extensive experience of dealing with claims for compensation.
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