As the glorious summer weather continues, interspersed with the odd thunder storm, the urge to go outside and soak up the sun becomes increasingly hard to avoid…. What could be more civilised than a cool beer in a sunny beer garden? Well, nothing.. as long as you’re not driving home.. Despite numerous campaigns, drink drive… Read more »
It will not have escaped anyone’s attention that the Government has brought in further changes to the penalty point system today. From 24th April, those caught significantly over the speed level will see fines rise from 100% of their weekly income to 150%. For instance, those caught doing 51 mph or above in a 30mph… Read more »
The practice of asking potential suspects to attend a police station ‘voluntarily’ is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to arrest. Instead of arresting a potential suspect that they wish to interview, police are contacting them and requesting that they attend the police station at a time and date to be agreed. Going to a police… Read more »
No one can have escaped the press coverage of high profile cases of historical sexual abuse such as Savile and Rolf Harris. One of the effects of these cases has been an increase in victims coming forward to report similar offence, some of which occurred decades ago. While it is likely that most are justified… Read more »
Most motorists are aware that using your mobile phone while driving is an offence, in fact it’s been an offence since December 1st 2003. Despite this, there are still common misconceptions that motorists regularly fall foul of. Initially, the definition of what constitutes an offence seems simple; you are on the phone and you are… Read more »
Social networks have recently seen an influx of individuals heading online to share photos and experiences with friends and family, but many don’t often realise that just because your account is set to private, it doesn’t mean other people can’t see the content you post, particularly insurance companies and the lawyers they instruct. Research has… Read more »
A high court ruling recently created an unprecedented legal situation in Ireland for a short period. A decision that judged the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 unconstitutional resulted in several drugs, including ecstasy, crystal meth, and ketamine, becoming legalised for around 48 hours in Ireland. Only possession of the substances was briefly legal, sale and… Read more »
‘Revenge Porn’, which the government defines as ‘the distribution of a private sexual image of someone without their consent and with the intention of causing them distress’ has been criminalised in the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill. The crime will have a maximum sentence of two years in prison. It has been possible for previous… Read more »
The MP for The Wrekin in Shropshire has called for “greater fairness” in the law regarding anonymity in cases of rape. Mark Pritchard was arrested on 2nd December after voluntarily attending a police station on suspicion of rape, but the charges against him were dropped six weeks later on 6th January. Police stated there was… Read more »
Theresa May, the home secretary, is putting into action plans to restrict the use of police bail to no longer than twenty-eight days. Currently, there is no limit or oversight by the courts on the use of police bail, allowing members of the public who have not had any charges brought against them to be… Read more »
The government ban on sending books to prisoners has been declared unlawful and overturned. In a High Court ruling, Mr Justice Collins reviewed the controversial policy that has attracted a great deal of protest and declared he could see “no good reason” for its existence. The legal action was brought by prison inmate Barbara Gordon-Jones,… Read more »
A short blog and a timely reminder… As we approach the season of the office Christmas party and morning after the night before. It may seem a little disconcerting to address the probable pain and misery of a thumping post-party head, but there are other, less obvious issues to consider. What will you be doing… Read more »