If you or a loved one has suffered from poor treatment or a delayed diagnosis for bowel or colon cancer then please call our Clinical Negligence Solicitors for a free consultation on 0191 2323048 or contact vwanless@beechampeacock.co.uk and we will be happy to assist.

The vast majority of our clinical and medical negligence funds are funded by a no win, no fee agreement which is formally called a Conditional Fee Agreement which means that there is no financial risk to yourself or your family.

We offer a free consultation to help you understand whether you, or a family member, has a potential claim for bowel/colon cancer compensation. When you contact us and provide your details a Clinical Negligence Solicitor will review your claim and determine how best to assist.

We can also offer home or hospital visits as and when required.

Bowel Cancer Compensation Claims

Bowel cancer affects many people. Early diagnosis and treatment provides for the best chance of recovery.

Medical mistakes and delays in diagnosing and treating bowel cancer can be very serious. We have recovered substantial amounts of compensation where mistakes have led to serious delays in bowel cancer diagnosis which has led to significant changes in both treatment and to a Patient’s long term prognosis.  These have included:-

  1. Failure to carry out an adequate examination.
  2. Failure to advise a patient to return if their symptoms worsen.
  3. Failure to heed warning signs such as the passing of blood in the urine and abdominal pain or changes to usual bowel habits.
  4. Failure to arrange investigations such as a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, x-rays and scans.
  5. Mistakes by pathologists in examining and reporting on the findings of tissue samples under a microscope.
  6. Mistakes by radiologists interpreting x-rays and scans.
  7. Failure to provide the correct advice in relation to the treatment options which has meant that the treatment has not been appropriate or the patient has not been given the correct advice to make the correct decision as to the type of operation to proceed with which can have life changing consequences.

For people who have become seriously ill with cancer and have a medical negligence claim compensation is very important in the following ways:-

  1. Private medical treatment can be obtained in relation to both their physical and psychological needs.
  2. Nursing care at home.
  3. Help with housework, DIY and services.
  4. Money to make good on any loss of earnings.

Where a patient sadly passes away then a claim can be provided for family members who relied on them financially or with domestic and other help. They may also qualify for a Bereavement Grant and funeral expenses

Case Study

The Claimant received £300,000 after being advised that he required a permanent ileostomy leaving him with an irreversible stoma. The patient suffered post surgically and was in ITU for a number of weeks before going back onto the ward before being eventually discharged home. As a result he had a loss of earnings claim, required care and assistance from his wife and family whilst he recovered and had life changing injuries.

There were numerous allegations of breach of duty including a failure to provide the correct advice as to the types of surgery that would have been most appropriate.  This is known as “a Montgomery consent argument.”   If the Claimant had been given the correct advice he would not have opted for the permanent ileostomy and he would have avoided:-

  1.  Permanent stoma
  2. Interoperative small bowel injury
  3. Sepsis
  4. Respiratory failure
  5. The need for repeat surgery
  6. Faecal fistula 
  7. The need for prolonged ITU treatment

Please contact Vicki Wanless a Clinical Negligence Solicitor at Beecham Peacock to discuss any potential claim.

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