MILLIONS more delayed air passengers will be able to claim compensation following another landmark ruling at the Court of Appeal.
Until recently, airlines could avoid paying out if the problem that caused the delay could be classed as an “extraordinary circumstance,” and therefore outside their control.
This often included technical defects in planes, which experts estimate account for 30 per cent of all delays.
However, judges last week decided that a wiring problem which caused a Jet2 flight to be delayed for 27 hours was within the airline’s control, and ordered it to pay compensation to the passenger who had brought the claim.
Since then, judges in the case of Dawson v Thompson Airways decided that delayed passengers will have longer in which to bring their claims for delayed flights – in some cases up to six years.
Beecham Peacock believe the rulings will open the floodgates to millions of travellers who would otherwise have had to simply suffer delays in silence.
Current rules allow passengers to claim only if they arrive at their destination three hours late or more.
Beecham Peacock can advise about bringing a claim for compensation against an airline for a delayed flight. Call us today on 0191 2323048 or email