This week is ‘Brain Awareness Week’, a global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. Launched by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (, the campaign encompasses open houses at neuroscience labs, displays at libraries and community centres, classroom workshops and more. Here in Newcastle, the two main events were organised by the British Science Association at Newcastle University and The Core at Science Central. The British Science Association organised a lecture about Mitochondria in Parkinson’s Disease with expert insight from Elizabeth Stephen and Nishani Jeyapalan. Science Central organised a talk called The Science of 3D, detailing what happens in our brain when we see 3D images and why this is important to neuroscientists, specifically concerning the study of binocular vision disorders in children. While these talks are very specific, most brain injuries are caused by sudden, one-off events such as a fall or whiplash related injuries from car accidents. Other causes include excessive shaking and complications arising from rare neurological conditions. As for the brain injuries themselves, there are several types, including diffuse axonal injury, concussion, open and closed head injuries, penetrating injury, locked in syndrome, anoxic brain injury and more. Brain Awareness Week brings in to focus the seriousness of these injuries, their causes and the often sudden and significant impact they have on sufferers and their families. The most serious injuries can result in problems with speech and mobility and even memory loss, personality change and death. This can obviously have a serious knock on effect in terms of loss of earnings, rehabilitation costs, home adaptation costs and more Here at Beecham Peacock, we have helped people who have suffered a brain injury claim the compensation they are entitled to. If you or someone you know has suffered a brain injury as a result of an accident, contact our brain injury experts to see if you can submit a compensation claim.
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